Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Blue Tooth way of touching feet

I was at home last week. It was good to be back with the family after a long time. The entire family was there over the dinner on 29th March. Usually it's unlikely in our family for everyone to be present together at the same time in the house and have dinner. So this was one such not so often occasion. And boy we did have fun. Lots of chit chatting, lots of leg pulling and lots of jokes.

Amongst all those funny conversation, one such conversation tinkled a bell in me which I thought is worth sharing on this platform. It was about the Blue tooth technology. For those who may not be aware of what Blue tooth refers to, let me just mention a line for it. Blue tooth is a technology, where two electronic devices can interact with each other, without any physical contact between them. This technology is commonly used in mobile phones these days. If two phones are in vicinity of each other, then using Blue tooth they can exchange data from one another. And for this purpose physical contact is not necessary.

Anyways, coming back to our family talk, my brother tried to show the extension of this technology in our relations. He described, what he termed "The blue tooth way of touching feet".
It's a common practice in Indian families to touch the feet of any elderly person one meets. The method of touching feet has however changed over the years. The original method was to bend fully and massage both the legs of the elderly. This massage giving would last for half a minute to one minute. The elderly person meanwhile showers the youngsters with all the best wishes he can think of. This method over the years 'evolved' into a method where the youngster bends down fully and touches both the feet with both hands. The time reduced from half a minute to about 10 seconds. And in these few seconds, the elderly would shower whatever best wishes he can think of. The massaging of feet vanished. Further 'evolution' meant, the youngsters now would bend and touch any one foot with any one hand. The time of the process further decreased. Moving further into time, the youngsters would now just half bend, and touch the knees of the elderly with one hand, instead of the feet. The time taken would be in order of couple of seconds. And now the latest thing is to touch the feet using Blue tooth. The youngster just pretends to bend, with one hand pointing towards the feet of elderly. There would be no physical contact. The hand and the feet would be in vicinity of each other. Similarly the elderly would just keep his hand over the youngster's head and not touch it. My brother termed this as 'The Blue tooth way of touching feet'.

My Nani (grandmother) had a great laugh over this. She is the only one in the family who has witnessed the massaging method of feet touching. My brothers and I only know the latest two forms described.


smr said...

so perfect a term for it!

kulbirsaini said...

nice description and analogy :D

Himank Sharma said...

He he that was kool!! :) Bluetooth :D ROFL!!

Manisha said...

:) How're you doing?

@nks said...

he he he ...

AM said...

so ironic isn't it? that technology is bridging boundaries, making us come closer and at the same time distancing us from each other...but this paradox is not really a paradox- because the distances are decreasing virtually, and increasing physically..what say?

Aniket said...

Perfect post!

Suresh K said...

Thats really a gr8 term coined by ur brother. So you can imagine how much we are influenced by the latest technologies. My family still prefers/practices the older form i.e. touching elders feet for a couple of seconds. You may also be surprised to know that daughter-in-law(bahu) or any married ladies touches feet 5 or 7 times of their elders(sasurji or sasuji) in eastern UP and Bihar. Can you imagine city girls doing like this??

Anonymous said...

Nice post! he he he..
And answering to Suresh, yeah I am a city girl (Delhi) and I touch my in-laws feet atleast 4 times a day! (yeah, morning, going 2 office, after coming from office, @night) I use one-hand-one-foot most of the time and sometimes use bluetooth-tech when in hurry (not in mood) ;-))

Anonymous said...

Hey, this was really funny :-) I just wrote a post on the tradition of touching feet, and came across your blog via google. Awesome read :-)